Thursday, November 11, 2010
Wedding Thanks
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Hardly Strictly Bluegrass Festival
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Baby Announcement
We adopted her from the local pound. We were told that she is a Schnauzer mix and about 1 year old. So far she's been a sweet girl. She's so happy to have escaped jail and live the coosh life. Walks on the beach 3 times a day, on demand tummy rubs, fashionable clothing (pics to follow).
Friday, September 24, 2010
Renewed Inspiration – Tales from the Badge

Today is my first day back at blogging…With nine weddings this summer (including my own) I couldn't find the time (not to mention the willpower) to sit down and write, but today I stumbled upon a real gem of inspiration (and an easy way to take the pressure off of my first blog back). The Company I work for recently subscribed to a few local Montana newspapers in the areas where we are developing our wind farms. It was a Friday afternoon, the office was quiet so I hunkered down and started reading the papers from Glacier and Toole County. Now before you go thinking that I'm a big-city-high-n-mighty judger of rural communities, let me just say that my mother and her family grew up in these them parts and I'm right proud to have this sorta heritage.
Please look forward to more testimony from the Badges of the Montana high-line in the future.
Glacier County Police Reports, Friday, September 17th
3:37 a.m. Report of a disturbance at cabins in East Glacier. Someone is drunk and fighting over there. Called Browning but no one is available. They have one officer on and dealing with juveniles in Browning right now.
4:02 a.m. Woman called back and the daughter just came in and hit her in the face then took off. She needs the cops over there. Advised caller someone will be called to come over. Officer is out with the suspect and he needs an ambulance. She is unresponsive.
4:10 a.m. Officer advising she woke up. Cancel the ambulance and he has the female in custody. Officer wants another officer to meet him halfway. He can keep the cuffs on her and she will be charged for Partner Family Member Assault and MIP. She bit her mom in the finger.
4:20 a.m. Officer advising she is suicidal. Female wants officer to pull over to go to the bathroom. Told her she will have to wait to get to the detention center.
Shelby's Sherriff Log Saturday, September 18th
9:17 a.m. Female caller advising it is now 9 a.m. and no one has dealt with the restrooms at the park. There is no toilet paper at all in the restrooms. Caller advised it has been out since last night. Tried calling a city worker at home. He is getting ready to go down and check.
12:50 p.m. Caller reports witnessing an antelope being hit by a car on U.S Highway 2 west of Devon. He wants to take it home for meat. Caller advised that he can take it home if he puts an archery tag on it.
10:23 p.m. Officer responds to a caller reporting that she heard a loud noise like a gunshot while driving home. Officer finds a large amount of rocks in the street that make your tires pop when you drive over them.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Sunday, May 2, 2010
My New Ride - Raquel

Well, after the "incident" that I spoke about a couple weeks ago, I had to say good-bye to my beloved friend Ginger.

Saturday, May 1, 2010
1081 Oddstad
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Poles, parking, and psychos
So, two days ago, when I was leaving the gym at around 7:00 am, it's not surprising that I bashed into a concrete pole in the parking garage. Now, given my history, some may think that this was an act of carelessness, however, I have a valid excuse for hitting that pole. As I waited patiently to step into the elevator to the parking garage, my mind was drifting off. I was thinking about what I had to do that day, my current job prospects, and the way my legs felt like spaghetti after a brutal workout. When the elevator went *DING* and people started filing out a nice middle age woman stepped out first. I was blocking her way so I stepped to the left. She stepped to the left. I stepped to the right to avoid a collision. She stepped to the right. I've been in situations like this before...usually the out come is a chuckle between both parties or a cliche comment like, "You wanna dance?"
Imagine my surprise when instead of a pleasant encounter with this stranger and a brief laught at our inability to manuever around eachother, she puts her face two inches from mine and shouts, "JESUS F&*%ING CHRIST" Holy Crap, what a psycho! this nice looking middle aged woman trying to maintain her figure by working out in the mornings goes postal on me. I'm thinking, "Jeez, if a simple encounter like that can make her take the Lord's name in vain with such disdain, I wonder what it would take for her to shank me???" That was my cue to get the hell out of there.
I hurried into the elevator and to Ginger, my old reliable wagon. As I backed up, I scanned the parking lot for the elevator psycho, being careful to look between cars and behind concrete poles.....During my escape, I did not happen to see the large concrete pole in my blind site.
Now, my steering column is bent, my radiator is leaking, and Ginger is crying her little eyes out at some auto shop down the street....All because of that Elevator Psycho.
When Matt and I took Ginger to the shop we spoke with "Frank" an Asian man with broken English. Here's a synopsis of how that convo went...
Matt: Hi, we were hoping you could take a look at our Subaru Outback. I think the Steering column is bent...
Frank: How you bend steering column?
Matt: Well, uhh, my girlfriend hit a pole
Frank: What, how she bend steering column with pole?? How fast she going?
Matt: I'm not sure, but the alignment is really off.
Frank: Ok. We take look
Matt: Also, the radiator is leaking...
Frank: Ok.
Matt: And, I think the rear brakes need replacing. I heard some metal grinding on my way here.
Frank: (concerned voice) Metal grinding? From hitting pole?
Matt: Uhhh, no, they just need to be replaced.
Frank: Okay (Money Signs in his eyes)
Matt: And you might as well change the oil. I don't think she's had an oil change in about 2 years...
Frank: You may want to just upgrade yo car. Put all this money in old car, not worth it. Maybe if you upgrade yo girlfriend you don't need to upgrade car.
Okay, maybe I exagerated this conversation a bit at the end, but I swear that's what Frank was thinking.