Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Baby Announcement

Matt and I are proud to announce the homecoming of our First Baby. Wilma Claire Jetty, born roughly 1.5 years ago, weighing 17lbs.

We adopted her from the local pound. We were told that she is a Schnauzer mix and about 1 year old. So far she's been a sweet girl. She's so happy to have escaped jail and live the coosh life. Walks on the beach 3 times a day, on demand tummy rubs, fashionable clothing (pics to follow).

So far her favorite toy is Lamb Face (below). Lamb Face was a gift to me from Matt after he sweetly requested (forced) me to give up the stuffed animal I had.** Unfortunately Lamb Face has an unusally long and stiff neck which was not great for cuddling with and thus she was rejected by me. Luckily, I kept her around because she's quickly become one of Wilma's besties.
**In all fairness, the thing was beat to a pulp and Matt legitimately believed it was from childhood. When he discovered it was actually a Valentine's Day gift from my high school boyfriend he requested her disposal. I didn't have the heart to throw away the love that I had been sleeping with for 9 years and she was WAAAY to tattered to give to charity, so I hid her in my brother's closet in Montana, where she will secretly stay.**

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