Thursday, March 26, 2009

Rain (err...unfavorable weather conditions) on my Parade

I've been living a charmed life the past couple weeks.

I feel like I've had a vial of Felix Felicius (yay for Harry Potter dorks).
In regards to work, let me just say that I'm currently living the auditor's dream. My client is located a short 10 miles away from my lovely "beach house," which means an extra hour + of sleep every morning. The client is located right on the Bay so I have beautiful views of the water, landscape, and wildlife (including, but not limited to: dogs, birds, and old people from the local retirement home).

The client is pharmaceutical company that is still in the development stages....meaning....they have not yet had time to breed their hate for auditors. Coming to work is like going to Gramma's house. People are bringing me cookies, teaching me to use the stove-free teapot, and giving me cold medicine when they hear my pitiful sniffles. For those of you outside of the Public Accounting Realm, this is very atypical. My clients usually behave like Pavlov's counsin Ernie's dog, who was once starved, beaten, and emotionally damaged by a public accountant and now snarls when he hears, "Hi, I am an auditor."

Additionally, my senior is a dream, Praise LDS! I've always had warm fuzzy feelings for those of the Mormon faith. Heck, the object of my first case of puppy love is now a full fledged Joseph Smith Jr. lovin', Book of Mormon thumpin' Latter Day Saint. But this guy….this guy is the poster boy Mormon. While most boys are made of snakes and snails and puppy dog tails, this guy is made of truth and honesty and down home modesty. When most seniors would huff and puff or sigh and stress, this senior keeps on his Mr. Rogers cardigan and smiles through it.

Of course this kind of life can't last of course, yesterday God shit a big ol' snowstorm all over my parade and caused my lil' bro to get stuck in Denver on his way to SF.

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