Friday, March 13, 2009

The first blog is the deepest...

Wow, I had no idea that the first sentence in a blog would be so paralyzing. Watching the cursor blink before my eyes is reminding me of all the things I am not going to be blogging about.

*blink* You can't gush over your new child like those Sappy New Mother Blogs. *blink*

*blink* You can't gush about your pet that feels like a child to you like in those Nauseating - My Pet is my World - Wanna-be New Mother Blogs. *blink*

*blink* You can't write about your travels around the world, because unlike those lucky bastards, you have a job...and not just a job...a job that leaves you chained to your laptop 14 hours a day. While those bloggers are writing I'm Prancing around the World Spending Daddy's Money Blogs, you're stuck in a stuffy conference room with no windows developing carpal tunnel. *blink*

*blink* You can't write about your wedding and how amazing it is to be a newlywed in one of those Holy Shit! I spent so much money on my wedding photographer, that I better make a Wedding Blog to get my money's worth before I end up hating my spouse and creating a God it's great to a single independent woman again blog. *blink*

So I guess now that I have established a relatively long list of what I will not be blogging about, I'm going to have to spend some time brainstorming what I will be blogging about....

[Disclaimer: I have nothing against babies, puppies, traveling, or fact, honestly, I probably would be writing about these things if any were relevant to my life.]

1 comment:

  1. I resent being called a bastard! Just kidding. I am a big fan of the blog idea Megs. Helps me know what you are up to. Love you!

    Dickter (that's my German name)
