Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Preventing Sexual Harassment Class

California Law mandates employers to educate their employees on Sexual Harassment. As I feel that sexual harassment is very common, I completely support this. However, if the examples in the training are so over the top and obvious hyperboles of realistic scenarious, what is the freaking point?

Taken directly from my Sexual Harassment Class:

Shawn: Oh wowww, who is that?
Jason: That's Monique, she just started a few weeks ago.

Shawn: Damnnnnn, Monique is one fiiiinnnnne lady!

"Although Monique did not hear Shawn or see him biting his knuckles while leering at her, these actions contribute to a hostile work environment and may offend others nearby."

Thank you Employer. Thank you for informing me that it is never okay to bite knuckles at a cute boy.

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