Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Sunday, May 2, 2010

My New Ride - Raquel

Well, after the "incident" that I spoke about a couple weeks ago, I had to say good-bye to my beloved friend Ginger.

It was sad. Ginger and I have been through a lot. But she found a home with a nice Bulgarian Mechanic Man and he plans on doctoring her up and using her for his "Tahoe Vehicle." At least she didn't have to "go live on the farm" like my first puppy. Granted the puppy was mentally retarded (no shit), had a severe eye infection, and was not good for two children.

On the bright side, Matt bought me a new car. She's a sporty little wagon with lots of attitude. And a huge backseat. We named her Raquel.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

1081 Oddstad

Check out the home Matt and I put an offer in on!
Last night the seller accepted our offer! Unfortunately, this is a short sale, so it is subject to approval from the bank...but we're keeping our fingers crossed!